Positive Mindset

Oh the power of the positive mind. You hear it all the time.  You have to believe it to believe in yourselfachieve it.  You have to train your mind first.  What you think, you become.  (insert eye roll). I mean come on, life isn’t always positive.  Bad things happen, even when we are doing good things and being a good person.  So, don’t give me this nonsense about always being positive.

Or is it nonsense? Is it really true that what we think about ourselves is what we become or what we are?  What we believe about things or situations becomes the outcome?  Yes.  How we decide to act and think will determine who and what we become.  I know, you hear this from all the gurus…you know like Shaun T, Tony Horton, John Maxwell, Hal Elrod, Darren Hardy, Oprah, and the list goes on.  If all these people preach this mantra, I guess there might just be some truth to it?

Want to know a secret…it’s true.  I know, because I’ve been there.  Yes, I struggle with self doubt, a lack of self-confidence and value.  Sometimes it just hits me and I have to go back to my routines to remember to look at things differently.  You see, without going on and on, I haven’t necessarily had an easy life, but I have learned a lot.  I learned that I can be a strong woman that can have a strong, happy marriage even though I was abandoned by my father and the marriage between my parents was not ideal. I learned that I can be a source of stability, safety, and unconditional love by parenting (and making a lot of mistakes) a child with major emotional health issues.  I have learned to find myself beautiful after being teased as a teenager for being too skinny and being used by young men in college (so I could feel beautiful).

How did I get here? I began to take care of me.  Wholly.  I started to take care of my body as though I loved myself and started to take care of my mind and spirit as though I loved myself.  I began to incorporate the advice I would give to others to myself.  I began to take time each day to meditate and pray, repeat self affirmations and write in a gratitude journal.  I began to take a step back when things seemed troubling (or frankly would piss me off) and remind myself to look at every situation through the lens of love.  Yes…everything.  I remind myself that LOVE is and will ALWAYS be the answer.

I cannot control other people or some of the situations that happen in my life, but I can control me and how I decide to react to the people and situations.  I choose LOVE.  I choose to take in each day and see it for what it is and learn from it (if it didn’t go my way).  Most of all, I have learned to treat me with love, knowing I have value.

So yes, what you think…well that’s what will surround you.  So put on your positive pants and go out there and shine!

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